Not Today | Rogue Projects

Image by Cameron Grant

There’s a lot of talk in the media about millennials and young people ruining the economy by not buying houses or ruining traditional families by not getting married or having kids but there aren’t nearly enough conversations with actual young people about what they want the world to look like. Not Today dives directly into one twenty-something’s mind as she navigates grief, guilt, and overwhelming anxiety about climate change.

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Bernie Dieter’s Club Kabarett | Zaccaria & Dead Man Label

Image by Alistair Veryard

The talents on display in Bernie Dieter’s Club Kabarett recall the heyday of Victorian freak shows and carnival sideshows, but with a slight twist in which the gawking audience imparts a kind of power to the performer as they writhe, twist, and spin on stage. As the Ring Mistress, Bernie encourages a dissolution of barriers between the weirdness on show and that hidden in the audience for a rompy, rowdy night of sensual debauchery.

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Peer Gynt | Endangered Productions

Image by Marion Wheeler

While Henrik Ibsen is most known among theatre audiences for his stage plays A Doll’s House and Hedda Gabler but his stage adaptation of his epic poem “Peer Gynt” with musical composition by Edvard Grieg remains one of his most performed works as a story steeped in Norwegian culture and folklore.

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Angels, Dreams & Fantasies | Melbourne Youth Orchestras

There is so much potential in youth with life stretching out in front of you, ready for the taking. It’s fitting then that this program for the Melbourne Youth Orchestras would consider the highs and lows of life with inspiration from classic texts that considered life’s great questions. Aspects of humanity from passion to generosity to bravery come together in Angels, Dreams & Fantasies.

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NSW Secondary Schools Concerto Competition 2022 | Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra

From its beginnings as a competition founded by Barbara Cran and Barbara Robinson to allow secondary student musicians an opportunity to perform with an orchestra, the NSW Secondary Schools Concerto Competition is now celebrating its 50th year of young talent and a love of music.

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Back to MA | Madem Productions

Image by Thomas Adams

We’ve all heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and maybe even Codependents Anonymous but this MA: Motherholics Anonymous. For all those people who just can’t separate themselves from their clingy, controlling mothers, MA is a safe space amongst fellow mother addicts.

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The Weapons of Rhetoric | Bach Akademie Australia

Image by Australian Digital Concert Hall

Bringing together spoken language and instrumental music under the theme of rhetoric illuminates the forms’ similar concerns of pace, rhythm, voice, and flow in constructing a whole performance piece. The study of rhetoric as argument and persuasion was popular in comparison and unison with composition during the 18th century and, as such, in this concert, Bach Akademie Australia illustrates the literary influence of rhetoric on a range of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach.

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Ancient Lands | Bel a cappella

Like many performers around Australia, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on Bel a cappella; preventing and postponing performances due to lockdowns and throwing up obstacles for the choir and its audiences left and right. Ancient Lands was scheduled as a triumphant return to full programs again but for more unexpected hurdles.

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Precious Colours | The Marais Project

Image by Philip Pogson

The Marais Project have been busy over the last few years preparing and recording their newest studio album Australian Monody which was launched with a concert over the weekend with the band’s central three musicians joined by two special guests.

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Tremors of Earth | The Song Company

In their second concert of the season and the one coinciding with Easter, The Song Company brought together their year’s theme Higher Ground with images of rebirth, growth, and renewal in a concert of Renaissance polyphony and new modern compositions. Fittingly, then, the concert also showcased the burgeoning talents of the company’s Apprentice Program, the up and coming voices of Australian music.

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