The Other End of the Afternoon | New Theatre

Image by Troy Kent

So many of us turn to stories as escapism to transport us to a completely imagined other reality, a perfect future, or an idealised distant past. But what if it was possible to really escape a life that wasn’t safe for you? What if you could just walk into that other place if you only knew the way?

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Much Ado About Nothing | Izabella Louk

It’s the original romcom where the beautiful and sweet Hero falls in love with the equally sweet and valiant Claudio only for their matrimony to be dashed by jealousy and greed. But love triumphs in the end and everyone gets what they deserve.

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Significant Other | New Theatre

Image by Bob Seary

We are conditioned to want, or even expect, the fairytale romance culminating in marriage and a happily ever after with kids. Whether it’s romcoms, social norms, or capitalism, the pressure to fulfil these expectations is enormous. For some it’s a matter of casting off that narrative and seeking something else but what if you do want the fairytale and you just can’t get it?

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How to Change the World and Make Bank Doing It | Ian Warwick & Michael Becker

Susan Jordan, Barbara Papathanasopoulos & Skye Beker. Photo by Sam Lax

Image by Sam Lax

Working for charity is a tough break. Repeatedly trying to convince sceptical, cynical, and sometimes downright selfish people to part with their money for a good cause can grow disheartening very quickly. The role of “charity-muggers”, people who interrupt you on the street to sign you up for charities you may have never heard of, stretch the ethical boundaries of charity work. Michael Becker and Ian Warwick’s new script uncovers the unsavoury attitudes behind charities and their sell tactics.

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